Source code for fe_utils.scripts.plot_function_space_nodes

#! /usr/bin/env python
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from fe_utils import ReferenceTriangle, ReferenceInterval, \
    LagrangeElement, UnitSquareMesh, UnitIntervalMesh, FunctionSpace
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import numpy as np

[docs] def plot_function_space_nodes(): parser = ArgumentParser( description="""Plot the nodes on the equispaced Lagrange function space of the specified degree on a regular mesh.""" ) parser.add_argument("dimension", type=int, nargs=1, choices=(1, 2), help="Dimension of the domain.") parser.add_argument( "resolution", type=int, nargs=1, help="The number of cells in each direction on the mesh." ) parser.add_argument( "degree", type=int, nargs=1, help="The degree of the polynomial basis for the function space." ) args = parser.parse_args() resolution = args.resolution[0] degree =[0] cell = (None, ReferenceInterval, ReferenceTriangle)[args.dimension[0]] fe = LagrangeElement(cell, degree) if cell is ReferenceTriangle: mesh = UnitSquareMesh(resolution, resolution) else: mesh = UnitIntervalMesh(resolution) fs = FunctionSpace(mesh, fe) nodes = np.empty((fs.node_count, cell.dim)) cg1 = LagrangeElement(cell, 1) cg1fs = FunctionSpace(mesh, cg1) coord_map = cg1.tabulate(fe.nodes) for c in range(mesh.entity_counts[-1]): # Interpolate the coordinates to the cell nodes. vertex_coords = mesh.vertex_coords[cg1fs.cell_nodes[c, :], :] lcoords =, vertex_coords) # Insert the resulting cells into the global set. nodes[fs.cell_nodes[c, :].astype(int), :] = lcoords fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) if cell is ReferenceTriangle: for e in mesh.edge_vertices: plt.plot(mesh.vertex_coords[e, 0], mesh.vertex_coords[e, 1], 'k') plt.plot(nodes[:, 0], nodes[:, 1], 'bo') for i, x in enumerate(nodes): ax.annotate(str(i), xy=x, xytext=(10, 1), textcoords='offset points') ax.axis([-.1, 1.1, -.1, 1.1]) else: for e in mesh.cell_vertices: plt.plot(mesh.vertex_coords[e, 0], 0 * mesh.vertex_coords[e, 0], 'k') plt.plot(nodes[:, 0], 0 * nodes[:, 0], 'bo') plt.plot(mesh.vertex_coords[:, 0], 0 * mesh.vertex_coords[:, 0], 'ko') for i, x in enumerate(nodes): ax.annotate(str(i), xy=(x[0], 0), xytext=(10, 1), textcoords='offset points') ax.axis([-.1, 1.1, -.1, .1])